Future Feminine

A report from the conference hosted by Brahma Kumaris at Global Cooperation House, London in June 2018 –

Future Feminine ~

Young Women and their Importance in the World

Young women sharing their rich and varied optimistic thoughts on the day

From the invitation:

“Something around the world is shifting.  The spirit of the feminine is on the move.  Often it’s young women who are driving the change, whether it be the worldwide Women’s Marches, #MeToo, the public debate on the inequalities of women’s pay or the coverage of the centenary of women’s right to vote.  This group of Millennial women is quick to see what needs doing and keen to find new, perhaps more feminine ways of achieving shared goals.  

Future Feminine, a project created by the 100 Women of Spirit, brings together the vision and dynamism of young women with the learning and insight of older women. The purpose is to combine the wisdom of the feminine with a connection to Spirit to help you make a difference to the work you do…”

And from the day, a report from Brahma Kumaris –
Once again the Women of Spirit created a day of deep reflection and experience-sharing and at the same time delight and exuberance. It was a group of 69 quite extraordinary women – of all ages and backgrounds – who met to explore the nature and future of the spiritual feminine.

After beautiful harp playing and a song by Gina Mackey, the day got off to a powerful start with encouraging words in a message from Dadi Janki: “These are such wonderful women, and so when they empower their spirit, wonders can take place.”  And they did.

The event was ‘held’ by the capable hands of Gina, Philippa, Helena and Rosemary. There were sharings and meditations from Sister Maureen. The day was interspersed with energising stretch sessions that combined spirituality and vitality – and fun. It was a day of story-telling – deep, courageous and from the heart – of the discoveries, the pain, the acceptance and the learning from  Janice, Giselle, Michelle, Chipo, Clare, Nicola, Sophie and Clara on stage and many more in pairs and groups. A film called Today, I rise was shown.  Some key themes that came out in the day were:

The Power and Role of the Feminine:

  • The importance of mentoring and mutual support – not being on the journey on your own
  • You can be what you want to be

Pain Possibility and the Power of Connecting to Spirit:

  • The possibility of pain – its potential to lead us to something undiscovered, unimagined
  • In times of struggle, what helps is to take care of our own mental health, stay your ground, see the kindness of human beings and recognise the help that can come from the Divine.
  • Self-compassion is the big one.
  • Seeking change can have a ‘hero energy’ in it that leads to burn-out; it needs to be sustainable. (Chipo)
  • However badly someone behaves, let me not perpetuate the pain; let me find a positive effect for the collective.
  • If we are going to be leaders, we have to be able to face pain and the projection of pain; we can do this through silence, friendship and staying in the ‘embodied healing’ mode. Pain is something we push away and avoid and yet it is the most empowering gift. Spirit rises above the pain; we are not our pain.

The Emerging Feminine – Balancing our Energies

After lunch and a wonderful, joyful exercise session by Pauline combining male and female energies within,  Jenneth spoke of the need to ‘re-imagine power’ and this led into an extended visualisation and drawing exercise  conducted by Sarah, in which all were invited to consider what is feminine and masculine, yin and yang.

Mother and daughter Sophie and Clara then shared their stories about ‘Bringing love and power into balance in a practical way. Sophie spoke of the need to balance power with love, and not to be ‘attached to a version of myself that is sacrificing, all-accepting, so-called ‘spiritual’ woman – you have to find your ‘sword’.  But not to blame your heart, not blame spirituality, because the heart is the source of all wisdom and the capacity to love. Not to shut down the heart.

The feedback session included gems such as

  • I’ve always wanted wise women in my life and I’ve found them here!
  • So good to see the generations coming together – dancing together!
  • It’s been so helpful to recognise the positive in pain.
  • Let’s keep connected, keep meeting.

The day ended with a meditation taking us beyond male and female, to experience the light of the soul by Sister Maureen, accompanied by harp music and all left beaming with their toli (sweet) and blessing.   Om shanti.

100 Women of Spirit is a group of women from diverse ethnic, cultural and spiritual backgrounds, most of whom live and work in the UK. They have joined together to bring into mainstream thinking the notion of a ‘connection to Spirit’. They reflect many aspects of feminine thinking, articulating what spirituality is and its relevance to our lives today.

100 Women of Spirit initiative evolved as a way of marking the 100th birthday of Dadi Janki, leader of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University who is still working tirelessly at the age of 102. This global, women-led organisation teaches Raja Yoga meditation to enhance peace of mind and create a positive approach to life.

(report kindly provided by Brahma Kumaris)